Many people have been quick to dismiss Christine Blasey Ford’s accusation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh because it happened decades ago, but New York Times opinion columnist Charles Blow says thats no reason to question her claim. Blow has good reason to believe her. Wednesday night on CNN he talked about how he also waited decades to tell his own story:  

“If you have never been the victim of a childhood sexual assault, everybody needs to calm down and take a step back. Stop asking why she didn’t say anything. I was a victim of a childhood sexual assault. Right? Not news. I wrote it in my book four years ago. the first time I told somebody was 17 years later. A stranger. next time I told somebody was that. Next time I told somebody was eight years after that. It was 37 years before I told everybody in the world in a book.” 

Here’s his full statement.

In his column Blow also wrote:

What are Republicans hiding about Kavanaugh? What don’t they want you to know?

There is absolutely no rush here, no timeline that must be adhered to, no deadline that must be met. We are talking about a lifetime appointment here, and if Blasey is telling the truth and Kavanaugh has lied, there is absolutely no way he should be confirmed.

We can’t have a Supreme Court on which a third of the men have been credibly accused of sexual misconduct. Thomas and Kavanaugh, if confirmed, would be two of the six.