Some questionable moves at the Pentagon today. Politico reports: “Several members of the Pentagon’s Defense Business Board, including the chair and vice chair, were fired on Friday, marking the latest effort by the Trump administration to clean out the Defense Department in the final weeks of the president’s term, according to three former board members.”

The board is described as a “private sector perspective… based on proven and effective ‘best business practices’ from corporate America and presents new ideas to help senior leaders meet DoD management challenges.”

The members are appointed by the Secretary of Defense or Deputy Secretary for a term of 1 – 4 years serving as special government employees (SGE).

Michael Bayer, who was the board chair until today, told Politico: “I was very surprised that the White House would, at the eleventh hour, adjust an advisory board that for 19 years has had a record of nonpartisan support with the department.

“This kind of a move really will weigh heavily on people on the future and their willingness to serve on these outside advisory boards if they’re going to be subjected to political loyalty tests. It’s unprecedented. I’m just saddened.”

As if that news wasn’t enough of a shake-up, some of the new board members are especially concerning. Shortly after the round of firings, Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller announced that Trump allies Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie would be filling two of the vacant seats.

The Pentagon purge started nearly a month ago on November 9th when Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Epser via tweet. It’s still unclear what Trump’s motives are with making these moves so close to the end of his presidency.