Ah, the hypocrisy of the host. That journalistic standard bearer Brian Kilmeade got into a little anchor spat with Steve Doocy on Fox this morning. Doocy was citing the recent rise in COVID among children, when he said, “If your kids are over 12, you probably ought to get the shot.” Kilmeade snapped at Doocy saying, “I don’t think anchors should be recommending medical advice.” Kilmeade said only a doctor should recommend the vaccine, “That’s who usually people go to for medical advice, doctors.”
It was quite a different story when Donald Trump and his propagandists at Fox News were pushing unproven remedies like hydroxychloroquine. Back then, anchors giving advice must have been okay.

Take a look at the exchange.

This isn’t the first time Doocy has gotten under Kilmeade’s skin when recommending the vaccine. As News & Guts pointed out last month, all three Fox & Friends hosts have said they are vaccinated, but Kilmeade often seems bothered when Doocy speaks favorably about getting vaccinated.