There was no hiding it.  A Miami police officer was out in the open showing his support for Donald Trump today. Problem is, he was in uniform and in a polling place. And in a case of bad timing on his part, the Miami Herald writes “The person who saw and photographed him was Steve Simeonidis, chairman of the Miami-Dade Democratic party.”

The Herald goes on to say:

The backlash from his department was swift. Miami’s police chief, shown the photo posted on social media, said Officer Daniel Ubeda would be disciplined, though exactly how had not been determined.

Deputy Police Chief Ron Papier added, “Obviously this is a clear violation of our department policy regarding campaigning… Additionally, the mask has offensive language, which is also a violation of department policy.”

The pressure is on to fire him.

On the flip side, Ubeda became an instant hero to Trump supporters.

Watch more from CBS Miami above.