We are occasionally seeing some prominent Republicans raise red flags this week when it comes to Donald Trump’s meeting with Vladimir Putin. Today Senator Lindsey Graham, a sometimes friend and golf buddy of Trump, is talking about his concerns.

-On giving the Russian President the upper hand Graham said:

“You want to be somewhat diplomatic. You are standing right by the guy. We have to deal with him. I don’t mind him dealing with Russia, but I want to deal from a position of strength. This was a missed opportunity. We reinforced a narrative that is bad for us as a nation, it came across weak.”

-Whether Trump and Putin made any deals during their secret meeting:

“I do expect is for the administration and the president eventually to tell us were any agreements reached. I don’t care what they talked about. I care about what we do. You can talk to Putin all day long. Here’s what I want to know, what did you agree to do with him and give us a chance to see if we think it makes any sense. “

-The idea that the US and Russia work together to investigate cyber crimes:

“I do know this, the concept of allowing the Russians to interview a former ambassador of Russia, United States Ambassador to Russia, is absurd. And the concept of letting American citizens being investigated for crimes that are just I think are jokes is absurd. And I don’t believe there is one member — I challenge you to find one member of the house and senate that believe this is is a good idea.”

Take a look at what else Graham said above,  but also take it with a big grain of salt. Just last night the South Carolina Senator tweeted that he bought Trump’s admission that he misspoke in Finland.