Over the last few days, in between rounds of golf, Donald Trump has tweeted about “Trump haters,” James Comey, “the ‘Squad.'” “Trump Economics,” “the Failing New York Times” and, of course, “the Fake News Media.” What he hasn’t seemed to notice (other than some retweets) is that a lot of members of the media are putting themselves in harm’s way to bring vital information out of the Bahamas and the Florida coast. And what about the millions of Americans watching the skies along the east coast who in normal times would hear reassuring words from a president. Not this guy.

And yesterday he also found time to criticize actress Debra Messing. Slate writes:

President Donald Trump summoned all his gravitas, rose to the moment, and addressed the country to discuss an urgent issue of national importance: Whether or not actress Debra Messing was a phony who pretends to like people, but then the second those people leave the room, get elected president, and start kidnapping children, she starts talking shit. This really happened! He really tweeted this!