Several of the late-night comedians returned to the airwaves Monday night from their homes. Their return is not only helping us laugh but also showing that we are all in this together, staying home.

Salon writes:

With the economy having ground to a halt, the resumption of these bedtime broadcast staples is a way we might resume some version of life as we used to know it. By returning remotely, and with intentionally bootstrapped produced values, these series also place their version of a stamp on the new normal of virtual connection. Each show’s staff continues to write and produce their series remotely, joining most of the country in the new age of working from where we’re sheltering. They’re all hunkered down and making the best of it right alongside their viewers.

One of the most entertaining conversations came thanks to Stephen Colbert and John Oliver (watch above).

Trevor Noah was one of the first late-night hosts to set up shop from home. He has been doing the broadcasts from home since last week, as has Jimmy Fallon.