There can be no better example of why coronavirus continues to spread at alarming rates across the country than what happened Monday morning in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Senators are allowed opening statements in the confirmation hearing of Amy Coney Barrett, and there was Mike Lee, Republican of Utah, just tested positive for coronavirus, delivering his remarks to a room full of people. He wasn’t wearing a mask. Could he have delivered his remarks remotely? Yes, other senators are doing that. Could he have worn a mask while he spoke? Of course. But in a move that will please Donald Trump but should anger his constituents, Lee throws caution to the wind.

Lee said he was cleared by a doctor but that’s not really the point. He is setting a terrible example for how to fight the pandemic and save lives. It is, in a word, selfish.

Here’s another example. White House chief of staff Mark Meadows was asked by a reporter to wear a mask before speaking to reporters. He refused and walked away.