Donald Trump’s pardons over the last 48 hours after being condemned by people on both sides of the aisle. Republican Senator Ben Sasse called the actions by the president of the United States rotten to the core.” Indeed post-election we have seen Donald Trump’s “rotten” behavior time and again. Chris Cuomo says there is no doubt that this week solidified his legacy as the worst president in history. What the CNN host said last night is something every one of Trump’s enablers should watch. Here’s an excerpt:

“I hope you decide to accept it once and for all. It is the gift of ultimate clarity about this outgoing president. Democrats, Independents, real Republicans, you all now know just based on the last 24 hours alone this guy is the worst ever. He is the worst president we have ever seen, period. He has not only proven to be incompetent, but he is indeed truly inhumane. He has denied the hungry. He has denied our warriors. He has denied a pandemic, and he does not give a damn about anything but lying about it all and faking his own greatness. That is the truth. It is demonstrated by everything we have seen. It must be his legacy.

And those who have ignored or empowered him. Those who have solicited this brand of his own horrible actions towards others are complicit. He must be remembered as the worst, if only for this alone and if only this is what we had seen it would already make him the worst on top of years of perfidy of deceit of lies of viciousness to those who need protection consistently.”

He went on to say that we, as a country, can’t allow this behavior to continue and to get even worse saying:

“This has to be a bottom. He must be seen as the worst, and we must run away from him and this type of behavior as fast as we ever collectively as a country before.”

Watch Cuomo’s full monologue above.