Axios: More Senior WH Officials On “Saving America From This President”


The morning after the New York Times bombshell op-ed that trashed Donald Trump and we are hearing from others on the inside.  From Mike Allen at Axios:

“…two senior administration officials reached out to Axios to say the author stole the words right out of their mouths.

“I find the reaction to the NYT op-ed fascinating — that people seem so shocked that there is a resistance from the inside,” one senior official said. “A lot of us [were] wishing we’d been the writer, I suspect … I hope he [Trump] knows — maybe he does? — that there are dozens and dozens of us.”
“Several senior White House officials have described their roles to us as saving America and the world from this president.”
Who wrote the Times piece?  That’s still unknown but Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have publicly denied being the author.
Meanwhile in The Atlantic, David Frum calls the op-ed “A cowardly coup from within the administration [that]  threatens to enflame the president’s paranoia and further endanger American security.”
“The author of the anonymous op-ed is hoping to vindicate the reputation of like-minded senior Trump staffers. See, we only look complicit! Actually, we’re the real heroes of the story.

“But what the author has just done is throw the government of the United States into even more dangerous turmoil. He or she has enflamed the paranoia of the president and empowered the president’s willfulness.”

As this story continues to develop, we will bring you updates throughout the day.