Comment By Eric Trump Being Called Anti-Semitic


Eric Trump appeared on one of his father’s favorite TV shows this morning, Fox and Friends, and proceeded to use a term that many say white supremacists use as a  Jewish slur. Mashable reports:

In between his complaints about straw bans and Maxine Waters, Trump also attacked Bob Woodward’s new book about the administration as “sensational nonsense.” 

Then he casually dropped an anti-Semitic comment and not a single one of the Fox and Friends hosts even reacted. 

“CNN will have you on there because they love to trash the president,” Trump ranted. “You’ll mean you sell three extra books, you make three extra shekels, I mean at the behest of the American people …”

While Israeli money is called Shekels, The Times of Israel notes that “on some anti-Semitic corners of the web, it is often used sarcastically to refer to Jewish money or influence.”

While Fox has, in the past, sometimes said it doesn’t condone statements by guests, so far it seems they are mum on this one.