Dan Rather: The Countless Reasons To Vote


Are you angry? VOTE, and mobilize others to VOTE.

Are you despondent? VOTE, and mobilize others to VOTE.

Do you believe the brave women and men who have come forward with stories of sexual violence? VOTE, and mobilize others to VOTE.

Do you worry about injustice and inequality? VOTE, and mobilize others to VOTE.

Do you believe parents should not be separated from their children? VOTE, and mobilize others to VOTE.

Do you believe in science, and reason, and facts? VOTE, and mobilize others to VOTE.

Do you believe in a free and independent press? VOTE, and mobilize others to VOTE.

Do you believe a woman should have control of her own body? VOTE, and mobilize others to VOTE.

Do you believe in the rule of law? The separation of church and state? That people should be free to love whom they want to love? Public education? Accountability? Do you care about a living wage? The people of Puerto Rico? Climate change? A level playing field? VOTE, and mobilize others to VOTE.

Do I sound like a broken record? VOTE, and mobilize others to VOTE.

Elections have consequences, but that goes BOTH ways.