Dan Rather: “What If We Had A President Who…?”


What if …

…we had a president who…

…told truths instead of lies…

…appealed to empathy instead of division…

…acted decisively instead of dithered…

…extolled science instead of denigrating it…

…brokered bipartisan solutions instead of stoking political warfare…

…supported state and local governments instead of undercutting them…

…built bridges and partnerships on the world stage instead of
promoting xenophobia and disengagement…

…recognized the racial and social injustices being amplified by this

…understood the pain of the people…

…heeded other existential threats like the climate crisis…

…used language that uplifted and inspired…

…saw his job to be the president of all of these United States and
all the people living within our borders…

…what if we had such a president?

Let’s be clear. This virus would have been a dire threat no matter who
was president. It would have killed and stalked and put great strain
on our economy. It was always going to be a challenge of historic
proportions. But if we had such a president as one who exhibited the
qualities listed above, I suspect she or he would have the support of
the vast majority of the American people and our nation would be
stronger, more united, and far better prepared to lead the world into
a better future.