Exit Polls Show Majority Of Voters Disapprove of Donald Trump


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Exit polls don’t necessarily tell you how the election is going to turn out, but they do nonetheless give us some insight into what voters are thinking.

CNN’s exit polling show while Donald Trump isn’t on the ballot he still factors heavily in this election:

Two-thirds of voters say their vote in today’s congressional election is about Donald Trump, according to early exit polls, and more say they’re showing up at the polls to express opposition than support for the President.

NBC’s exit polls are also out:

By a substantial margin, voters nationwide in today’s midterm election say they do not approve of President Donald Trump’s performance, with the share who strongly disapprove of his presidency representing nearly half of the electorate, according to early NBC News Exit Poll results.

Trump’s approval rating —  44 percent — is roughly in line with findings in recent national polls of likely voters, including the final national election survey conducted by NBC News a few days ago. But the intensity of voters’ dissatisfaction with Trump is notable: the 47 percent of voters expressing strong disapproval of the president surpasses the share of the electorate saying the same about President Barack Obama in the midterm elections in 2014 (42 percent) and in 2010 (41 percent).