Fox News Anchors Tear Apart Donald Trump’s Speech


New York, USA - January 24, 2014: Fox News Channel Truck parked on New York street, USA

If Fox News’ usual viewers tuned into their favorite cable network after Donald Trump’s speech Tuesday night they probably felt right at home watching Sean Hannity. But if they turned on the Fox broadcast network they were in for a dose of reality from two familiar Fox News hosts, Shepard Smith, and Chris Wallace. Smith often criticizes Trump, but his usual audience on Fox News likely isn’t as big as the one he had last night. Here’s some of what he said:

He talked about drug crossings over the border, but government statistics show much of the heroin comes not over the unguarded border but through ports of call.

He talked about undocumented crossings over the past months. in fact, the number of undocumented crossings over the southern border has been steadily down over the last ten years, and the government reports that there is more outward traffic than inward traffic.

As for the trade deal you mentioned with Mexico which he said would pay for the wall, that trade deal is not yet complete, and the president said that law enforcement professionals have requested the $5.7 billion. He has really requested it and it is he who has said would own the shutdown.

Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace added:

In the movie “The Godfather,” they talked about making an offer you can’t refuse. The president’s night was making an offer the Democrats can’t accept. One thing he talked about was the shutdown, and he kept saying there’s a shut down because the Democrats refuse to fund the wall. The Democrats just passed a bill to fund every agency... It’s the president and the Republicans in the Senate who refused to pass that..

So while it’s clear people like Hannity, Laura Ingraham and Ann Coulter have influence over the president, you may not want to count out some of the other Fox News personalities. Hosts who may be causing a shift in the other direction.