A Grand Military Parade: Is It For The Troops or Trump?


The White House has confirmed there are plans in the works for a grand military parade in Washington D.C. We envision Donald Trump wants it to be HUGE, the biggest in the world. One where tank size matters.

The Washington Post reports, “President Trump’s vision of soldiers marching and tanks rolling down the boulevards of Washington is moving closer to reality in the Pentagon and White House.” Sound like a familiar scene? One we have seen coming from North Korea perhaps? Trump reportedly said he wants one like he saw in France.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders confirmed parade logistics are being worked out saying, “President Trump is incredibly supportive of America’s great service members who risk their lives every day to keep our country safe. He has asked the Department of Defense to explore a celebration at which all Americans can show their appreciation.”

Military parades are often associated with bad actors who want to flex their muscles.  Such as Vladimir Putin in Russia:

Or Kim in North Korea:

So many questions remain, such as where is the money coming from to pay for all this? The price tag will be in the millions. As you can imagine there is lots of negative reaction to this. Here’s some: