Is Team Trump Suddenly Scrambling? White House Said To Be Considering Payroll Tax Cut To Boost Economy


For days, Donald Trump and his surrogates have gone to great lengths to assure the public that the American economy is strong and there are no signs of a looming recession. Just yesterday, the Sunday talk show circuit was wall-to-wall with Trump optimists. Economic adviser Larry Kudlow said he didn’t see a recession on the horizon. Problem is, he said the same thing back in 2007 before the mother of all recessions.

So, maybe it’s time for a new strategy. From The Washington Post:

Several senior White House officials have begun discussing whether to push for a temporary payroll tax cut as a way to arrest an economic slowdown, three people familiar with the discussions said, revealing the growing concerns by President Trump’s top economic aides”.

Unlike the last Trump/McConnell tax cut which was seen as a boon for the wealthy and corporations, this reduction would aimed at the middle class. Currently the payroll tax is capped at $132,900.

The talks are said to be in the early stages but would there be discussions at all if the economy was rock solid?