Former GOP Senator Jeff Flake is giving his two-cents about the upcoming election. While Flake is not popular with Republicans or Democrats, his opinion may give us a glimpse into what some other members of the Republcian party may be thinking come November. Here’s an exchange from an interview he did with The Washington Post:

WP: Which do you think would be better for the Republican Party, and maybe the country itself: a second term for Trump or a sound defeat in November?

JF: Oh, a sound defeat, no doubt. Long term for the Republican Party, you bet. And for conservatism as well.

WP: You would feel comfortable casting a vote for a Democrat?

JF: Yeah. This won’t be the first time I’ve voted for a Democrat — though not for president [before]. Last time I voted for a third-party candidate. [Laughs.] But I will not vote for Donald Trump.

Flake chose not to run a second term back in 2018, at the time he remarked, “There may not be a place for a Republican like me in the current Republican climate or the current Republican Party.”

He now says some of his former colleagues share his concerns, telling The Washington Post, “I know that everyone worries about what this does to the standing of the party, long term.”