John Lewis: “Taxpayers Know This Is A Shameful Bill”

Here are the words of a man who has seen it all.  John Lewis was a civil rights pioneer.  He was one of the organizers of the March on Washington in 1963.  He has been in Congress for more than 30 years where he on occasion will deliver memorable speeches like this one just before the tax reform vote.
“I rise with a heavy heart to join in opposing this mean-spirited, reckless bill.
“Mr. Speaker, thirty years ago, I was elected to fight for and to serve the people of my district. Today, they are calling and begging for us to slow down and to do this the right way.
“In their heart of hearts, the public knows that the safety net will be used to pay for this reckless corporate tax cut.
“Taxpayers know that this shameful bill destroys the hopes and dreams of too many as it robs poor Peter to pay wealthy Paul.
“You see, Mr. Speaker, you cannot hide the truth from the sick, the elderly, and disabled for whom this bill may mean life or death.
“You cannot hide the truth from middle class, working, and immigrant families who need every penny to make ends meet.
“You cannot hide the truth from teachers who try to lend a helping hand and students who struggle to get an education.
“And I for one refuse to hide the truth about this bill’s attack on the separation of church and State.
“Mr. Speaker — as we abandon our constitutional duty and sacrifice our moral authority — I fear that history will not be kind to us.
“This bill is a shame, a disgrace, and honestly, Mr. Speaker, it breaks my heart. I urge each and every one of my colleagues to vote no.” –Representative John Lewis (D) Ga.