National Run For Office Day


There seem to be more people than ever running for office. And yes, that’s a good thing. For some people though, being a politician never crosses their mind. The folks behind #NationalRunForOfficeDay are hoping to nudge some of those people into entering local races. The group points out:

In 2018, a record number of first-time candidates ran and won — changing the make-up of Congress, state legislatures, and city halls across the country, and bringing unprecedented energy to the political process. In 2019, we’ve continued that legacy, flipping the VA state legislature blue and cementing progressives leadership in towns and cities for years to come.

As for why the focus is on local seats, the group says:

Too often, down-ballot seats get buried by the media, political pundits, and voters for more glamorous elected positions *cough presidential race cough* but the folks elected to these offices are the people who shape our towns and districts (literally). They are the ones protecting our reproductive rights, fighting for better funding for public education, and making sure comprehensive gun reform is passed on the state and local level. 

And today they are getting some high profile support.

And Senator Brian Schatz says, “When I first decided to run for office I was 25. I had a clipboard, a voter list, and a homemade brochure. I knocked on every door four times. With lots of help, we won by 427 votes. On National Run for Office Day, know that regular people can do it.”

Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) adds:

We’re not just going to win in 2020, we’re going to #WinBig. But to do that, we need great people (like you) running for office. Interested? There’s no better day than today (#NationalRunforOfficeDay) to get started.