NYT: White House and Justice Officials Discussed Mueller Report Before Release


Discussions were held between officials at the Justice Department and White House lawyers about the nearly two year special counsel investigation.

According to the New York Times: “Robert S. Mueller III’s findings will be public on Thursday, but some of them will not be news to President Trump.”

According to the Times, numerous conversations have been held between Justice and the White House. The talks have helped Donald Trump’s legal team write a report responding to Mueller’s findings. It raises the obvious question, why write a report if Mueller has exonerated Trump?

The Times also reports a sense of paranoia is taking hold among Trump aides. They could soon find out who said what to Mueller’s investigators.

“The report might make clear which of Mr. Trump’s current and former advisers spoke to the special counsel, how much they said and how much damage they did to the president — providing a kind of road map for retaliation.”