Quote Of The Day


Wilbur Ross is the Secretary of Commerce.  He is also very wealthy.  Forbes reported in 2017 Ross had a net worth of $2.5 billion. So, it’s safe to say he wouldn’t feel the pressures of making a car payment, or having enough money to buy diapers.  Here is what Ross said on CNBC this morning when asked about why furloughed federal workers would need assistance from food banks.

“I know they are, and I don’t really quite understand why.” – Wilbur Ross

But wait, that’s not all.  Ross added this:

“Put it in perspective, you’re talking about 800,000 workers, and while I feel sorry for the individuals that have hardship cases, 800,000 workers if they never got their pay, which is not the case they will eventually get it, but if they never got it, you’re talking about a third of a percent on our GDP,” he said of the affected federal employees. “So, it’s not like it’s a gigantic number overall.”