Ted Cruz Refuses To Wear Mask Around Media, Ignores CDC Guidelines


Ted Cruz at CPAC 2021

Senator Ted Cruz once again made news for non-legislative reasons. This time, it was because he flat-out refused to wear a mask before speaking on camera on Wednesday. Here’s the exchange between the Texas senator and a member of the press pool:

It was a simple request, one that any reasonable person should have honored. Instead, Cruz not only didn’t wear a mask, but he wrongly stated that since he was vaccinated, he didn’t need to wear a mask.

That’s just not true. The CDC guidelines clearly state that even if you’ve been vaccinated, you should continue to wear a mask “to protect yourself and others.”

Dr. Sanjay Gupta made sure to point out this morning on CNN that Cruz was not following the guidelines.

Someone should pass along the link to the CDC website to the senator’s office so he can read it for himself.