Trump Denounced For Hateful Attacks On Somali Refugees


MINNEAPOLIS, MN - OCTOBER 10: U.S. President Donald Trump speaks on stage during a campaign rally at the Target Center on October 10, 2019 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The rally follows a week of a contentious back and forth between President Trump and Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey. (Photo by Stephen Maturen/Getty Images)

At a campaign rally last night in Minnesota, Donald Trump delivered a lengthy, hateful rant directed at Somali refugees and particularly Rep. Ilhan Omar, a local Congressional Representative, former Somali refugee and frequent target of Trump attacks. He called Omar an “America-hating socialist” and a “disgrace.” But then he turned his attacks on the Somali refugee community in Minnesota. From The Washington Post:

He promised rally attendees, who booed loudly at the mention of the state’s Somali residents, that he would “give local communities a greater say in refugee policy and put in place enhanced vetting and responsible immigration controls.”

“As you know, for many years, leaders in Washington brought large numbers of refugees to your state from Somalia without considering the impact on schools and communities and taxpayers,” Trump said as some in the crowd jeered, adding, “You should be able to decide what is best for your own cities and for your own neighborhoods, and that’s what you have the right to do right now, and believe me, no other president would be doing that.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations condemned Trump’s attacks as “vile” and “corrosive” fear mongering.

“Last night’s racist rant targeting Somali-Americans is just the latest example of Donald Trump’s use of white supremacist and anti-immigrant rhetoric to advance his twisted political agenda by dividing our nation along racial, ethnic and religious lines. It is all the more disturbing that the almost all-white audience welcomed this overt racism and that Republican political leaders remain silent or even support such bigotry.” – Nihad Awad, National Director, CAIR