The Trump Narrative: Lies Don’t Matter


Remember when Kellyanne Conway infamously coined the phrase “alternative facts” all those many months ago? Since then we’ve heard Trump and his allies make all kinds of other excuses when caught in a lie. In the last week though, the lies seemed to reach new heights.  One of the more puzzling responses came from Trump’s new attorney Rudy Giuliani.

This claim came after Giuliani told Sean Hannity that Trump repaid Stormy Daniels’ hush money to Michael Cohen. Trump seemed to back this up on Twitter before backtracking to say that Giuliani still had to “get his facts straight.” But many say it’s actually Trump who needs to get his facts straight.

The Washington Post reports:

“In the 466 days since he took the oath of office, President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims, according to The Fact Checker’s database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement uttered by the president.

That’s an average of nearly 6.5 claims a day.”

It’s clear now that Trump allies have a narrative they are trying to push that the lies don’t matter.

We know that lies say a lot about someone’s character, and even in the case of the President of the United States, they can also have legal consequences.

After the most recent batch of lies, CNN’s Brian Stelter is one of the journalists saying “enough is enough.”

One example of reporters challenging Trump surrogates on the “alternative facts” came Sunday as Jake Tapper tried to challenge Kellyanne Conway. She tried to dance around it, but Tapper made it clear it’s time for the lies to stop.

Surprised by any of this? An op-ed on claims no one should be. In the piece, Chris Edelson an assistant professor of government in American University’s School of Public Affairs says:

“Donald Trump’s campaign was, at its core, based on lies.

Thanks to Trump’s deception, voters did not have basic information needed to make a fully informed decision — and we still don’t have all the information we need. Trump’s failure to disclose basic financial information makes it difficult to know precisely what conflicts of interest he may have, especially as his business continues to operate while he is in office.”

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders is often the one who has to deliver misinformation from the Trump White House, but in an interview on CNN Joe Lockhart, a former press secretary for Bill Clinton said it’s time for Sanders to give the President an ultimatum:

“I think at this point, I’d go into the Oval Office and tell the President that if he lies to me again, I have to quit.”
In the end though the lies won’t stop until the American people take a stand.