Betsy DeVos’ “Cruel” Plan To End Funding For Special Olympics

Betsy DeVos is being slammed from both sides of the aisle after it was revealed her Department of Education budget would cut funds federal that aid the Special Olympics. Congressman Joe Kennedy’s (D-MA) great aunt, Eunice Kennedy Shriver founded the Special Olympics back in 1968 so this is hitting especially close to home for him. He told CNN today:

“Republicans just passed a tax cut that reduced funding into our coffers and then to say you don’t have the money for Special Olympics or autism funding. It’s cruel, it’s misguided and it’s outrageous.”

He also told The View:

“This is a Trump administration issue about the reflection of their priorities and the way that they see those that are different, that are vulnerable, in our country.”

The team at Morning Joe also debated this issue today. Watch above.