The failure of law enforcement to stop a mob from storming the Capitol is something that we will likely be investigated  for months or maybe even years to come.

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough said what a lot of people are thinking this morning:

“So I wanna know from the Capitol Hill police, what is it? Is it just white people? Or is it Donald Trump supporters? Why do you scream at people for walking across the street, three blocks away from the Capitol? Why are you not as badasses around the Capitol, but then Trump supporters come in and you open the fucking doors for them, you open the doors for them and let them breach the people’s house?”

Scarborough also asked for the prosecution of Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and Donald Trump Jr. for their part in inciting the rioters.

Democratic Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut wants a full investigation.

Police say 52 people were arrested, 26 on the Capitol grounds.  The Republic writes:

Rep. Val Demings, D-Fla., a former police chief, said it was “painfully obvious” that Capitol police “were not prepared for today. I certainly thought that we would have had a stronger show of force, that there would have been steps taken in the very beginning to make sure that there was a designated area for the protesters in a safe distance from the Capitol.”

James Stavridis, Retired US Navy Supreme Allied Commander at NATO, told Scarborough: “We need a serious national-level investigation into what has happened, specifically in the failure to protect the people’s house.” Those questions need to start at the top. There were several warning signs that something was going to happen on January 6th, so why weren’t preparations made. Also, why was the request to send the National Guard denied?

Another big question has to do with whether some members of the Capitol Police cooperated with protesters, or went easy on them.

Watch more from Scarborough above.