Cory Booker Says He Is “Uniquely Qualified” To Take On Trump And His “Trash Talking”

Cory Booker took part in a CNN Town Hall Tuesday night to talk about his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination. The New Jersey Senator talked about healthcare, immigration, marijuana arrests and more. But it was his message of love that seemed to resound the most. Booker says his campaign will be the opposite of Trump’s, delivering a positive message:

“Let’s just first say that we all agree about the urgency of this moment, to beat Donald Trump…  I’m uniquely qualified. I’ve gone up against titans, bullies, through my New Jersey politics. In fact, I don’t think anybody in this race has been through the kind of tough politics I’ve been through… But we win this election not by showing the worst of who we are, but by the best of who we are. You see, Donald Trump wants us to fight him on his terms. to me, that is not only a recipe for losing the election, it’s a recipe for losing the ability to move this country forward.

We have to understand that what Americans want is not to know what we’re against. They want to know what we’re for. And in this moral moment in this country where we’re seeing moral vandalism from the highest office in the land, somebody who is Twitter trash talking and trolling, this is a time that we as Democrats have an opportunity not to go around and say, hey, we’re going to beat Republicans, but to stand up with the ideal of uniting Americans.

I believe very firmly that you can’t lead the people if you don’t love the people, all of the people. and we need that energy. We need that leadership. the only way to beat hate is not bringing more hate. It’s by bringing love and hope and uniting people to solve the persistent injustices in our country. I‘m going to do that, and that’s how actually, how we are going to win.” 

Watch more above.