Dominion CEO On Rudy Giuliani: “We Have No Choice” But To Sue

Dominion CEO John Poulos is talking about his company’s lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani (watch above). The company filed a lawsuit Monday seeking $1.3 billion in damages saying the voting machine company has been severely impacted “as a result of the defamatory falsehoods peddled by Giuliani.” Poulos told CNN’s Chris Cuomo you can’t put a price tag on the damage Giuliani and others have done to Dominion:

“There is no money, Chris, that can even begin to make up for the damage in reputation that our company and the customers, the election officials that have used our technology to count ballots. And the actual calculation is a legal calculation and we will play that out in court. But if I could trade our reputation back from November 1st and go back before these false accusations were lobbed against us and our employees, I would do that in a heartbeat.”

The company has also filed lawsuits against attorney Sidney Powell and doesn’t rule out suing media organizations such as Fox News. Tom Clare, an attorney for Dominion told CNN’s New Day, “If Sidney Powell or Rudy Giuliani had stood in the middle of an abandoned street and whispered these lies about Dominion, the damage wouldn’t be anywhere near as great. A lot of folks handed them a megaphone and a very loud megaphone on cable news shows and on the internet. And we are looking at each and every one of them. We’re looking at what did they know at the time they put these folks on the air to spread these lies, and at what point did it become reckless to give a platform to them? In many instances, many of the hosts of these shows and many of the anchors of these programs said these lies in their own words.”

As for whether Donald Trump will also be sued, Clare says:

“We expect that discovery, in this case, will yield much greater light on what the role of the president was and the others around him. And dominion is being very careful, deliberative. We’re not filing lawsuits for the sake of filing lawsuits. We’ll go where the evidence leads. if it leads in a particular direction no, one has been ruled out by virtue of their position.”

Watch more of what Dominion’s CEO said above.