Donald Trump Challenged During Interview With Chris Wallace

Donald Trump’s interview with Chris Wallace is one for the books. The Fox News Sunday host did something the president isn’t used to, he fact-checked him in real-time. Here are some of the most memorable moments.

First up, the clip that made big news on Friday. Trump used his talking point that Joe Biden wants to defund the police. When Wallace told him that’s not true, Trump called for someone off-camera to bring him proof. The president stumbled through, unable to find evidence that his opponent wants to defund the police.

Trump has largely ignored talking about coronavirus lately, but Wallace repeatedly challenged him on the subject. In one case Trump again asked a staff member for evidence to back up his claim that “we have the best mortality rate.” He wasn’t able to find evidence to back up this claim either.

As for those that lost lives, Wallace gave Trump a chance to show some empathy, but alas he couldn’t do it. His response, “It is what it is.”

The president also doubled down on something he often says, that coronavirus will disappear. The problem is he doesn’t offer any sort of timeline and can’t explain why it hasn’t disappeared yet.


And here’s something that should raise some red flags among those who fight for our country. On the topic of renaming bases, the president discounted the position of top military brass saying, “I don’t care what the military says.”

Recently Trump has been citing without evidence things that he says will be gone in a Biden White House. Today he chose religion.

And then there’s the cognitive test, Trump says he recently took. Wallace points out the test isn’t exactly difficult.