Donald Trump Inflames Tensions As He Prepares To Dispatch Military To Restore “Law & Order”

During a late Monday, straight off the teleprompter statement (watch above), Donald Trump basically declared war on America saying:

 “I am dispatching thousands and thousands of heavily armed soldiers, military personnel and law enforcement officers to stop the rioting, looting, vandalism, assaults and wanton destruction of property. We are putting everybody on warning.”

Trump’s address lasted less than six minutes and he did not take questions. It was clear the speech was about law and order, not about trying to heal the country. Instead of calling for peace, he seemed to throw more fuel on the fire. And once again, without evidence, he blamed Antifa.

After the remarks, CNN’s Don Lemon said “he is playing a very dangerous game. This will backfire.”

Even more stunning was what happened next.  Military police used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse a crowd of peaceful protesters in Lafayette Park across from the White House so Trump could walk through the area to St. John’s Church where he held up a bible.  He had peaceful protesters gassed for a photo op.