Thousands of people marched at locations across the country and one 12-year-old old who took the stage in Washington D.C. showed more passion and determination than you could even imagine from someone so young. Her name was Leah, her last name was understandably not shared because she doesn’t want to get her mother on the radar of ICE. Here’s part of what the Miami girl said:

“I live with the constant fear of losing my mom to deportation. My mom is strong, beautiful and brave. She is also a person who taught me how to speak up when I see things that are unfair. ICE wants to take my mom away from me. I don’t like to live with this fear.”

Watch her full speech above.

The march Leah took part in was just a sliver of those happening Saturday. NBC News reports:

“Hundreds of marches took place across the United States on Saturday as thousands of people demanded the Trump administration reunite families separated at the U.S.-Mexico border.

The protests, marching under the banner “Families Belong Together,” are hoping to push the Trump administration to reunite thousands of immigrant children separated from their families after crossing into the United States.”

Here are some of the other highlights (and one lowlight from the President) on this day of protest.