As FBI Director Christopher Wray talked about the arrest connected to the suspicious packages he made it clear that there were “not hoax devices.” Wray also said there is a lot of evidence connecting Cesar Sayoc to the crimes. Here’s part of Wray’s statement (watch his full remarks above):

“I want to focus for a moment on the amazing work of our folks at the FBI lab. Based on their initial analysis, they uncovered a latent fingerprint from one of the envelopes containing an i.e.d. that had been sent to Congresswoman Maxine Waters. We have confirmed this fingerprint is that of Cesar Sayoc. There is also a possible DNA connection between samples collected from pieces of two different i.e.d.s mailed in separate envelopes and a sample previously collected from Sayoc in connection with an earlier arrest down in Florida. 

This is phenomenal work with the greatest pressure under an incredibly tight time frame. We see unbelievable work like this on tv and in Hollywood, but to see it up close in reality is something to behold, and we are so proud for our team at the lab for their work in keeping people safe and helping to find the individual responsible.” 

Sayoc has been charged with five federal crimes, including:

  •  Interstate transportation of an explosive
  • Illegal mailing of explosives
  • Threats against former presidents and certain other persons
  • Threatening interstate communications
  • Assaulting current former federal officers

The charges carry up to 58 years in prison. 

When Jeff Sessions was asked why he believed the suspect was targeting Democrats, the Attorney General replied:

“I don’t know. other than what you might normally expect. He may have been,  appears to be partisan but that will be determined by the facts as the case goes forward.”