Former Member Of The Trump Administration Endorses Joe Biden

Miles Taylor, a former chief of staff for the Department of Homeland Security in the Trump administration, is out with a scathing op-ed and video, that is at the same time an indictment of the president and an endorsement for Joe Biden. In the Washington Post today, Taylor, a self-described Republican, writes, “I can attest that the country is less secure as a direct result of the president’s actions… The president has tried to turn DHS, the nation’s largest law enforcement agency, into a tool used for his political benefit.” He cites one instance where “then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced, at the White House’s urging, a ‘zero tolerance’ policy to prosecute anyone who crossed the border illegally.”

“After this ill-conceived operation was rightfully halted, in the following months the president repeatedly exhorted DHS officials to restart it and to implement a more deliberate policy of pulling migrant families apart en masse, so that adults would be deterred from coming to the border for fear of losing their children. The president was visibly furious on multiple occasions when my boss, then-Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, refused.”

Taylor goes on to point out, “Trump has also damaged the country in countless ways that don’t directly involve national security but, by stoking hatred and division, make Americans profoundly less safe.”

In a video he recorded for the group “Republican Voters Against Trump,” Taylor says people still working in the White House told him, “Just wait until the second term, it will be no holds barred, it will be shock and awe. We will do what we want.”

He concludes, “Given what I’ve experienced in the administration I have to support Joe Biden for president. And even though I’m not a Democrat, even though I disagree on key issues. I’m confident that Joe Biden will protect the country.”