In an address that aired on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News, Senator Kamala Harris offered up a rebuttal to this week’s Republican National Convention. She addressed issues not heard often in the GOP convention; coronavirus, Hurricane Laura, and the shooting of Jacob Blake. She declared she was speaking for the people when she said, “Donald Trump has failed at the most basic and important job of the United States. He failed to protect the American people. Plain and simple.”

All we needed was a competent president, someone who was willing to listen, willing to lead, have a plan, take responsibility, do their job. Well, Joe Biden will be that president.”

Harris pointed opined, “The Republican convention is designed for one purpose: To soothe Donald Trump’s ego, to make him feel good.”

She spent much of her time talking about COVID-19 saying, “The consequences of Trump’s failure to lead and combat the coronavirus have been catastrophic.”

“Here’s the thing about the nature of a pandemic: It’s relentless. You can’t stop it with a tweet. If you get it wrong at the beginning, the consequences are catastrophic. And Trump got it wrong from the beginning and then he got it wrong again and again.”

She also offered up a stark assessment of the racial issues that America is facing making this blunt statement, “the life of a black person in America has never been treated as fully human.” 

“Jacob Blake, shot 7 times in the back in broad daylight in front of his three young sons. 7 times in the back. In broad daylight. In front of his three young sons. As VP Biden put it, the shots fired at Mr. Blake pierced the soul of our nation. It must end.”

“After the murders of Breonna and George and Ahmaud and so many others, it’s no wonder people have taken to the streets. And I support them. We must always defend peaceful protest and peaceful protesters. We should not confuse them with those looting and committing acts of violence, including the shooter who was arrested for murder. We will not let these vigilantes and extremists derail the path to justice”

Watch more above.