Late Night Comedians Tackle Lies, Political Foes And Accusations Of A Coup

Most of the late-night hosts were off last week, which means they’re playing catch-up on another bizarre week in Washington.

Seth Meyers (watch above):

“President Trump is defying subpoenas from Congress, his attorney general threatened not to show up to hearings this week and several Democrats have called on Congress to begin the process of impeachment. So Trump has a lot going on, which means, of course, that he decided to take time out of his schedule to call into a Fox morning show and once again spent so much time on the phone that at the end of the interview, the host, Maria Bartiromo, repeatedly tried to get him to hang up.”

Jimmy Kimmel:

“Since taking office Donald Trump has made more than 10,000 false or misleading public statements. He’s not just a pathological liar, he’s now a mythological liar. This is a staggering statistic. Trump managed to rack up 171 false or misleading claims in three days between Thursday of last week and Saturday. That averages 57 lies a day. The lies are picking up steam. It look ten months to rack up the first 5,000 lies. The next 5,000 took seven months. If his lies were on the stock market, it would be like buying Apple at $10 a share.”

Stephen Colbert:

“We were off for a week, right? A week? And I totally unplugged from the news. So you can imagine my surprise this morning when I tuned back in and discovered that Donald Trump is still president. Did no one read the Mueller report? But the good news is there is an election scheduled for 2020 and, last week, someone new entered the race.”