The evidence is overwhelming: vaccines are the clearest path out of the pandemic.

But for a contingent of Americans hellbent on dismissing scientific consensus, a drug called ivermectin is gaining traction as a miracle cure for COVID-19. The Lincoln Project, known for its searing criticism of right-wing politics and culture, created a parody ad for the drug (watch above).

The video declares that the FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine “might not be the right choice for patients who are allergic to reality. That’s why there’s ivermectin.”

It’s not clear why many Americans are turning to ivermectin.

According to the FDA, the drug is used to treat parasitic worms, head lice, and skin conditions like rosacea. It’s also prescribed to treat parasitic infections in the animal world.

The FDA clearly states, “Currently available data do not show ivermectin is effective against COVID-19.”

The ivermectin doses intended for livestock are often far too powerful for human consumption, but that hasn’t stopped some Americans from consuming it. The results can be catastrophic. NPR reports:

Poison control centers are seeing a dramatic surge in calls from people who are self-medicating with ivermectin…

According to the National Poison Data System (NPDS), which collects information from the nation’s 55 poison control centers, there was a 245% jump in reported exposure cases from July to August — from 133 to 459.

“We are urging physicians, pharmacists, and other prescribers — trusted healthcare professionals in their communities — to warn patients against the use of ivermectin outside of FDA-approved indications and guidance,” said the American Medical Association and two pharmacist groups.

The Associated Press highlights growing ivermectin use in Mississippi:

At least 2% of recent calls to the Mississippi Poison Control Center are about people ingesting ivermectin, with 70% of those calls being about livestock or animal formulations of the anti-parasite medicine purchased at livestock supply centers, Mississippi Department of Health officials said.

Some symptoms associated with ivermectin toxicity are rash, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, neurological disorders and potentially severe hepatitis requiring hospitalization.

The Lincoln Project pokes fun at the recent trend of humans consuming doses intended for animals, saying ivermectin allows you to say “nay to the FDA and take matters into your own hooves.”