Lindsey Graham Calls Kavanuagh Accusations “Crap” And “Unethical Sham”

When Senator Lindsey Graham suddenly took the floor as Brett Kavanaugh was being asked questions at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing it seemed like he was talking to a very specific audience, Donald Trump and those on the far-right.  As Dan Rather said, “I think Lindsey Graham‘s outbursts today are about interviewing for the job of Trump‘s next attorney general.”

Graham also said, “to Republican colleagues, if you vote no, you’re legitimizing the most despicable thing time in politics.” It was like a bad scene out of ‘A Few Good Men,’ but many predictable people ate it up.”

CNN’s Chris Cillizza said:

“Let’s take Graham’s outrage at face value. Grant him that he believes that Kavanaugh is being railroaded by false and defamatory accusations. Granted.
But it is impossible to ignore the fact that Graham has faced primary challengers in each of his last two races, primaries in which he is attacked as being insufficiently conservative. Playing the attack dog role in these hearings is the sort of thing that conservatives, who care deeply about judicial nominees, will remember forever.”

Watch Graham’s full statement above.