Lost, Dazed And Confused: A Really Rough Day For Secretary Carson

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson had a rough day on Capitol Hill. He was appearing before the Financial Services Committee and it seemed he stumbled through several questions from Congresswomen on the committee. He didn’t seem to understand how the questioning process worked or many of the questions themselves. He also didn’t seem to take the subject matter seriously. One example came during this exchange with Rep. Ayanna Pressley’s (D-MA). He chuckled and refused to answer as she asked about HUD’s proposed budget might displace families in need.

And Carson didn’t seem concerned with the plight of homeless children either.

In another exchange with Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA), it was clear that Carson didn’t know a common real estate term she was referring to. Instead, he claimed the Congresswoman was “getting into the weeds” with her questions (watch the full exchange above).

Carson later joked about it on Twitter.

REO wasn’t the only term he wasn’t familiar with. He also drew a blank when Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-OH) asked him about OMWI (the Office of Minority and Women Inclusion).

Conservative political analyst Ana Navarro-Cardenas remarked, “Betsy Devos has stiff competition from Ben Carson for ‘The Most Ignorant Congressional Testimony by a Cabinet Member Award’”.