Low Attendance At Trump Veterans Event (Turned Campaign Rally)

Donald Trump traveled to Missouri today to address the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The VFW said, “Today we continue a longstanding VFW tradition to provide our nation’s commander-in-chief w/ the opportunity to address America’s largest & oldest major war veterans’ org — especially important during a time of war and instability abroad & internal challenges at home.” Instead, it turned into a typical Trump campaign rally. CNN reports:

“The speech amounted to a typical political stump speech for Trump, all except for the setting. Instead of a political rally draped in campaign signage, Trump was addressing the annual convention of the nonpartisan Veterans of Foreign Wars, which invites the sitting US president every year — regardless of party — to address its members. Past US presidents have typically focused their remarks at the annual veteran’s event on policy issues, leaving little room for partisan political attacks or political endorsements.”

Trump may not have been playing to his typical crowd though. The VFW hasn’t always supported Trump. As ABC reports they once called his comments “despicable,” taking him to task for things he said about John McCain, the Khan family, and even his own draft dodging.

There are reports that the President was even booed a few times today. What might be even more concerning to Trump though is the crowd size.

At one point Trump went with his usual fake news storyline. While he did get a lot of cheers, it apparently didn’t go over well with everyone. Many of the veterans in the room rely on reporters to tell their stories.

Trump also wasn’t subtle about gas lighting this crowd. He made it clear even if they see something with their own eyes and hear it with their own ears they shouldn’t believe it.

The VFW apparently wasn’t happy with how things unfolded either.