
Mark Zuckerberg: I Am Really Sorry

There has been plenty of criticism aimed at Mark Zuckerberg over the Cambridge Analytica controversy and while it took a week, Facebook CEO’s is finally responding. He spoke to CNN saying:

“So this was a major breach of trust and I’m really sorry that this happened. You know we have a basic responsibility to protect people’s data and if we can’t do that then we don’t deserve to have the opportunity to serve people.”

Cambridge Analytica is a data firm that was able to use information from 50 million Facebook users to try to help influence the 2016 election. The firm had ties to the Trump campaign (Steve Bannon worked with the firm and had part ownership).

Since the news broke Facebook shares have plummeted and a #DeleteFacebook campaign has taken off.

The big question people have now is how did Facebook let this happen and what is the company doing to make sure it doesn’t happen again? Listen to what Zuckerberg said above.