As Donald Trump Rages On Twitter, The First Lady Delivers Message On Cyber Bullying

Melania Trump’s speech at a cyberbullying summit is causing a lot of pushback in the cyber world. The first lady talked about her #bebest campaign and the “responsible use of social media.” But just as she was delivering her remarks, her husband was busy name calling on twitter. It was an irony (or hypocrisy) many were quick to point out.

Was Melania in on the joke though? You have to wonder if she was trolling her husband when she said:

“Let’s face it most children are more aware of the benefits and pitfalls of social media than some adults.”

The first lady’s Director of Communications has responded to some of the backlash on Twitter and it doesn’t look like she appreciates anyone bringing up what Trump says on social media. Seems like the President may be exempt from the #bebest campaign. Maybe he was grandfathered in.

Watch Melania Trump’s full remarks above.