Mitt Romney Marches With Protestors As He Proclaims “Black Lives Matter”

Senator Mitt Romney (UT) is perhaps the only Republican member of Congress who has openly marched with protestors during these last two weeks of unrest. He is also reportedly the only Republican Senator who has declared “black lives matter.”


Interestingly enough, Donald Trump took Romney’s participation in this DC protest as a personal jab against him. This was his sarcastic reaction.

The Atlantic writes:

When the video appeared on Twitter late yesterday afternoon, it drew a torrent of predictable reactions. Trumpites sneered and called him a loser. Leftists sneered and called him a poser. A small but vocal cheering section praised him for marching. And several people speculated—as they always do—that the 73-year-old senator was laying the groundwork for another presidential bid.

In reality, Romney’s path to yesterday’s Black Lives Matter protest began half a century earlier with his father—a man whose legacy has long shaped, and sometimes haunted, his son.