Nike’s Decision To Pull Sneakers Sparks Controversy

Call it controversy on top of controversy. Nike pulled a new sneaker featuring the Betsy Ross flag after Colin Kaepernick complained. The Wall Street Journal reports, “Kaepernick told the company it shouldn’t sell a shoe with a symbol that he and others consider offensive, according to people familiar with the matter.” But Nike’s decision is causing a big divide. The fallout includes Arizona Governor Doug Ducey ending a deal that was set to bring Nike (and about 500 jobs) to the state.

Vice says, “But what Ducey and other detractors fail to realize is that the American history was already tainted; by choosing to separate themselves from American symbols that are emblematic of larger injustices, Nike did the right thing.”

But Ducey isn’t the only one pushing back against Nike’s decision to yank the shoe.

Even Democrats running for president are weighing in.

Watch more above from ABC News.