North Korea Summit Cut Short With No Deal

Donald Trump abruptly walked away from the North Korea summit, after realizing Kim Jong-Un wasn’t ready to strike the deal Trump wanted. Before skipping a scheduled lunch with the North Korean dictator and hopping on a plane back to Washington DC,  Trump said:

“Basically, they wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety. They were willing to denuke a large portion of the areas that we wanted, but we couldn’t give up all of the sanctions for that.”

Reuters writes:

The collapse of the talks will likely raise questions about the Trump administration’s preparations and about what some critics see as his cavalier style of personal diplomacy.

Since their first summit in Singapore in June, Trump has stressed his good chemistry with Kim, but there have been questions about whether the bonhomie could move them beyond summit pageantry to substantive progress on eliminating a North Korean nuclear arsenal that threatens the United States.

Watch what Trump said above (via CBS).