Picture Of The Day: Jill Biden Fends Off Protestor

It was a moment many of us watched live. As Joe Biden spoke about his wins on primary night, two anti-dairy protestors rushed the stage. Watching it live, you saw arms flailing and the protestors being dragged off stage. But there is one image taken by photographer Patrick Fallon that has gone viral. It shows Jill Biden body blocking the protestor from getting any closer to her husband. The Washington Post’s headline reads, “Jill Biden’s epic tussle: In split-second blocking maneuver, she protects husband from lunging vegans.”

Reacting with lightning speed, the former second lady swung around, extended her arms, grabbed her by the wrists and then blocked her with a stiff-arm.

Wincing, she pushed the woman back as her husband and sister-in-law looked on with concern during the sudden confrontation.

It was just a moment in time, but it speaks volumes for Jill Biden.

Joining her on that team would no doubt be Biden senior adviser, Symone Sanders who dragged one protestor off stage.

But while there are plenty of memes and jokes to be made about the protestors, there is also a serious takeaway. Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders both should get Secret Service protection starting today.

USA Today writes:

As a former vice president, Biden was entitled to Secret Service protection for up to six months after the date he left office. Though the Department of Homeland Security can extend that window, it did not do so in Biden’s case.

The Biden campaign did not immediately respond.

“Major” presidential and vice presidential candidates automatically receive the protection within 120 days of the general election under the law. But in practice, many candidates receive it much earlier in the campaign cycle. The decision is not made by the Secret Service itself, but rather the DHS secretary, in consultation with congressional leaders.