The 2021 Pulitzer Prize announcements were revealed Friday, and perhaps the most noteworthy winner was Darnella Frazier.

The teenager who made the courageous choice to film the murder of George Floyd by former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin won a Pulitzer Prize Special Citation.

The impact of Frazier’s video is almost immeasurable. It’s difficult to imagine how things would have played out if she hadn’t been recording on May 25, 2020. That video helped spark a global conversation about race and law enforcement. The influence of Frazier’s recording could be seen in this year’s Pulitzer winners

As The Poynter Institute pointed out, six Pulitzer Prize winners in 2021 involved journalism covering policing in America.

That includes the staff of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, which won for breaking news coverage of Floyd’s murder, and the team of reporters from Reuters for explaining how qualified immunity shields police offices from prosecution.

The Pulitzer announcements were done virtually for the second consecutive year due to COVID-19.

The full list of this year’s winners can be found here.