Rachel Maddow: The President’s Eldest Son Should Be Most Worried

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow is connecting the dots in the Mueller investigation and says with the grand jury still deliberating it would seem more indictments are coming. She believes if you follow the trail of information that has trickled out, it seems to be leading directly toward a member of Donald Trump’s family:

“I feel I would be remiss to not point out that there is now a long trail of fairly insistent claims on multiple committees on Congress, that there were in fact problems with the testimony of Donald Trump, Jr. And if we are now at the part of the Mueller investigation and Russia investigation where people are going to be charged for lying to Congress, now like we’ve seen with Cohen and like we’ve seen with Stone, members of congress are telling us now if there is anybody that should be worried, any of the people that testified before them, really, it’s the president’s eldest son who should be most worried.” 

Watch what else Maddow says above.