Rep. Katie Porter Says Child Care Is “Infrastructure, Full Stop” And Wants Investment To Close Gender Pay Gap

California Representative Katie Porter made it perfectly clear during an appearance on MSNBC that she considers child care a part of the national infrastructure. During an interview with Stephanie Ruhle to discuss President Biden’s infrastructure package — which aims to address child care in part two — Porter pointed out that while it’s different than road repairs, child care is just as essential to shoring up our infrastructure.

“Just as much as investing in broadband or investing in bridges and engineering or manufacturing. That’s what child care is.”

Porter says she feels like women aren’t emphasized in the first part of Biden’s infrastructure plan. CNBC reports, “Porter and others say it is time for President Biden to follow through on his campaign promise to offer permanent federal help on issues of critical importance to working women, from paid parental leave, to more expansive federal child-care support, and permanent child tax credits.”

Porter says this is 50 to 60 years overdue.

Watch the interview for yourself and see if Porter’s argument doesn’t make all the sense in the world.