Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg isn’t letting a hospital stay keep her from working. With the court already operating via teleconference, the 87-year-old Justice was able to take part in hearings Wednesday from her Baltimore hospital room where is recovering from a gallstone infection. CNN writes:

Wednesday’s arguments were the third time the justices, due to the coronavirus, heard oral arguments by telephone. The phone connection was glitchy as Ginsburg began her questioning, and her voice sounded weaker than normal at times. But she hit her stride later in the argument asking questions that sometimes were more like comments.

The justices are hearing oral arguments in a case involving the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive mandate. The Washington Post reports that they are taking a look at “Trump administration’s attempt to allow more employers to refuse to provide insurance coverage for birth control for female employees because of religious or moral objections.”

Both Ginsburg and Justice Sonia Sotomayor expressed deep concerns about the possibility that tens of thousands of women could be left without no-cost access to birth control.

“You have just tossed entirely to the wind what Congress thought was essential,” Ginsburg said, “that women be provided these services with no hassle, no cost to them.”

Listen above as Ginsburg questions the Trump administration’s Solicitor General Noel Francisco.